Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Getting on the merry-go-round once again

It's been a long time since I've blogged and apart from some journal entries, many short Facebook statuses, and a fraction of the pictures I took uploaded online, most of my memories and adventures have not gone beyond my mind and my computer. And that is quite a shame because not only do I love to write but I know that many of you would enjoy reading and seeing pictures of my adventures. So then, in restoring some honor to my Northern Irish adventures, I will slowly but surely be writing entries and posting pictures to bring those people who care to be more into my world.

Part of the reason why I haven't written much about my year in Ireland is that I didn't really know where to start. I could start at the beginning and work my way to the present day, but that's not how it is all organized (or not organized, really) in my mind. In my mind, I have what I'd call Big Memories and Little Memories – memories that have more of a lasting impression on me and things I would want to share first and memories that are more of secondary memories that add to the year but are not necessarily things I feel I need to spend a whole blog post on (or at least, not until a later time). So, I guess how you're going to receive the story of my year in Ireland will be in more of a random pattern. You may very well find out what my last thoughts of Ireland were as I was leaving before you get the story of what my first thoughts of Ireland were when I arrived. Hopefully, though, the story will fill out and you will start seeing the bigger picture as I post more and more entries and pictures.

So, to start this walk down memory lane, enjoy a few pictures that bring a smile to my face!

My BBC campus family - a special bunch of people! (8 countries represented here!)
One of my best buds, Naina, and I at the Atlantic Ocean (my first visit to the Atlantic) on our Easter camping trip.
Jay, Sonia, Naina, and I went on a great walk in the park one day

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